Cannes, Bronze, PR
Cannes, Shortlist, Direct
Clio, Gold, Direct
Clio, Silver, Design
Clio, Silver, Direct, Use of Product
Clio, Bronze, Public Relations
Clio, Bronze, Public Affairs
One Show, Merit, Direct
One Show, Merit, Experiential
One Show, Merit, PR
Strategy, Agency of the Year shortlist
Marketing Awards, Silver, Public Service
ADCCs, Bronze, Advertising, Advertising Misc
ADCCs, Bronze, Advertising, Direct
ADCCs, Bronze, Public Relations, Stunt/Event
Applied Arts, Ideation, Campaign
Applied Arts, Experiential/Event, Single
Applied Arts, Pro Bono Advertising, Single
Applied Arts, PSA/Charity Advertising, Single
Applied Arts, Pro Bono/PSA/Charity Entire Ad, Campaign
Applied Arts, PPR/Influencer, Campaign
Communication Arts, Advertising, Public Service
Communication Arts, Advertising, Posters
Webby Awards, Nominee (top 5 finalists), Experimental & Weird
Luerzer's Archive, Ad/Campaign
ADCCs, Silver, Branded Content
ADCCs, Silver, Advertising, Direct
ADCCs, Bronze, PR, Stunt
Applied Arts, POP
Applied Arts, Events and Experiential
Applied Arts Annual Cover
ADCCs, Silver, Advertising, Posters
ADCCs, Merit, Advertising, Direct
ADCCs, Merit, Poster Design
Marketing Awards, Silver Craft, Animation
Marketing Awards, Silver Craft, Art Direction
Luerzer's Archive, Ad/Campaign
ADCCs, Merit Graphic Design, Package Design
ADCCs, Merit The Michael O'Reilly Best Copywriting Award,
Best Copywriting Digital, Single or Campaign
Luerzer's Archive, Online Film
Communication Arts, Social
Cannes, Bronze Film
Marketing Awards, Bronze Website, Bronze Integrated
ADCCs, Merit Interactive Advertising,
ADCCs, Merit Interactive Video,
ADCCs, Merit Photography, Campaign,
ADCCs, Merit Photography, Single
Luerzer's Archive, Online Film
Clio, Shortlist
Cassies, Silver
Webby Awards, Nominee
Marketing Awards, Gold Digital
Cassies, Gold Best Integrated
ADCCs, Merit Digital Film, Merit PSA, Merit TV 60,
Merit TV < $50,000, Merit Education & Information
Marketing Awards, Silver
Bessies, Finalist
Cassies, Gold Best Integrated
Communication Arts, Advertising, Non-Traditonal
Creativity, Pick of the Day x2
ADCCs, Silver Poster, Merit Print
Digital Marketing Awards, Bronze
ADCCs, Silver TV
Luerzer's Archive, Ad of the Week
ADCCs, Silver Outdoor, Single and Campaign
Marketing Awards, Silver TV,
Cannes, Shortlist in Media, Outdoor, and Promo
Marketing Awards, Gold Non-Traditional
Young Guns, Top 5 global finalist in the creative brief competition
Spike TV, Fast Company, Creative Review, Buzzfeed, AdAge, Mashable,
PSFK, Laughing Squid, DesignTAXI, Huffington Post (U.S. & Canada),
Gawker, Jezebel, Reddit, QBN, Devour, Applied Arts.